Kautilya Pandit, aged about 6 years,(as of 2014) displays good memory power regarding current affairs, general knowledge and geographical statistics.[3] He could recollect details of 213 countries and can answer questions about world geography, per capita income, gross domestic product, politics, the economy, etc. Psychologists from Kurukshetra University have noted the grasping powers of Kautilya and expressed their desire to investigate his recalling capacity. C.R.Darolia, Chairman, Psychology Department said that "the boy is a wonder kid and he may have IQ around 130 which is rare for his age group."
A series of T.V. shows displaying the memory power of Kautilya Pandit have made him known as "wonder kid" in Haryana and surrounding states and made him popular.[1] He is also nicknamed "Google boy"
Government of Haryana has awarded Rs.10 lakh to Kautilya Pandit and assured all support for his future development.
"Now this Google Boy with Nutricharge Kids"
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